Friday, 14 October 2011

I Love Lady Twiggs !

Hi Guys! Its a fab post because I get to show off my first blog award!! Woohoo! So an extra big thanks to the gorgeous Twiggs at her blog

Slightly Oblivious to the Obvious

for giving my the award! She is my best follower, and secretly the more I learn about her the more I think we may be separated at birth! Haha

So this award goes to blogs with under 200 followers, who are your favourite! So I get to now pass it on to my top five blogs with under 200! Hopefully this will give them the attention they deserve :)

A Sailor went to Sea, Sea, Sea

This is for Adelaide, I love her blog because she is so frank and honest
52 first Dates
This blog is a diary of a woman who has taken it upon herself to have a date a week for a year, so that 52 dates, 52 men. She blogs about each one and I salute her for it! At least we now all know a little more about 52 men who we should or shouldn't date!
Life Blog
This is Ellie and I think she is so inspiring for anyone who is interested in fitness or weightloss, She has achieved so much, and deserves all the awards that can be given!
Nightmares and Boners
Vanessa, a girl who loves to to sexually overshare, and I over indulge in it!


  1. Ah thank you for the heads up to, much much apprecated :-) And kudos in return for your delightful musings.

  2. Thank you so much for this !

  3. Arh babes you are so lovely we are twinnys,

    You dont know how much I wish you lived by me though I'd love a friend-come-hairdreser in my life.



Thank you for taking the time to comment :)